Hoover's: The Chrome browser warns me, "Your connection is not private." How do I fix this?

Chrome warning in Hoover's: Your connection is not private.

There are two ways to prevent this Chrome browser warning from appearing. The first solution is a temporary workaround. The second solution is permanent. (Note that this issue only seems to affect Chrome. Other browsers, such as Edge, Firefox, and Safari, don't show this warning message.)

Solution 1

1. Open Hoover's in a Chrome incognito window.

Chrome menu - New incognito window

2. Go to Hoover's at library.swosu.edu/s/hoov

This is a temporary workaround; you'll need to open an incognito window every time you access Hoover's. To permanently remove the warning message, go to Solution 2.

Solution 2

1. In the Chrome browser address bar, type chrome://net-internals/#hsts and press enter:

Chrome: Open net-internals page

2. Go to Delete Domain Security Policies. Type libnet.swosu.edu and click Delete.

Chrome: Delete libnet.swosu.edu domain security policy

3. Test the change: Open a new tab and go to library.swosu.edu/s/hoov.

If neither of these solutions works on your device, email Mr. Jon Woltz for help. Please attach a screenshot of the warning or error message from your browser. 


  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2024
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Jon Woltz

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